Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bloggin' On Holden

One part of the story that really stood out to me was when we were introduced to the character of Ackley. Right away Ackley seems kind of odd. Holden says, "he was a very peculiar guy" and it shows. In the first paragraph of Ackley coming in, it's just full of judgemental thoughts from Holden. One thought that stuck out and was kind of gross was the whole thing about the teeth. Holden mentioned that in all the time of rooming next to him, he never once saw Ackley brush his teeth. That's just really gross. Throughout the time that we get to know Ackley as a character, he comes off as being really odd and socially awkward. He doesn't really follow the typical social rules that most people follow, like not just walking in on someone, or good hygiene. It seems as though he is not all there in the way he acts.

I chose this part of the story because it caught my attention as something interesting and kind of funny. I mean, he has this weird neighbor that cuts through the bathroom at least 5 times a day and just walks into his room for no reason. It's just so random but entertaining. It shows us how Holden interacts with other people that he has to deal with on a daily basis instead of just Mr. Spencer. When Holden talks to Mr. Spencer, he seems pretty immature, but when he is with Ackley he seems to be more mature for the most part.

After reading more about Ackley, I started wondering if there was something more to the story. Is there something that's actually wrong with him? Or is he just really weird? With the way he interacts with Holden and the way he makes him repeat everything twice and how he never really got the hint to leave, it just seems like there has got to be something wrong with him because he can't be that oblivious to everything going on.

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