Sunday, February 13, 2011

Visions of Childhood

While reading The Sutton Pie Safe, I got the idea that the author was trying to give the image of childhood through how the characters interacted with each other. The one quote in the story that really stood out to me was, "you ought not try to buy what hasn't been put up for sale." I think a main point of this short story was to appreciacte the things you do have and pay attention to your words and actions because you don't know who they may affect.

In Every Little Hurricane, the main character Victor had to deal with a lot of family issues and drama. This little boy didn't really get a chance to enjoy his childhood because he has to deal with his family who are always loud, drunk, or fighting. Victor had to grow up pretty quickly in order to handle those situations on his own, which no child should have to do. While most children can go to their parents bedroom at night and expect to find comfort with them, Victor has to walk in to find his parents passed out on the bed. He tries to find comfort in the little things like just being in between them, even if they aren't able to calm him down. No kid should have to deal with that. I think in this story, the author is trying to show the darker side of childhood that may not be the desired way to grow up, but there are so many out there that have to go through issues like Victor.

The story we read was Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? This short story has the darkness of the past story and takes it to a whole new disturbing level. In this story, the author is trying to relate more to the early teenage years more than being a little kid. Having been through it, we all know how difficult it can be to go through those years. We've all done things that may have pushed the limits, or break the rules. It's part of growing up. The main character, Connie, is just the typical teenager in my eyes. She's got an attitude like many of us did at that age and she's just trying to see what she can get away with. Connie has the attitude that she's on top of the world and nothing bad can ever happen to her, until she meets Arnold Friend. And we all know how that turns out. But what I think the author is trying to get across in this story is that nobody is invincible like they might think they are. When deciding to do things, we all need to think about the possible consequences.

Bottle Caps was an interesting short story. It was kind of weird. What I got out of this story was that kids can find enjoyment out of the littlest things, like making a graveyard for insects. When you're young, you will do just about anything for entertainment and I think that's pretty cool. They don't over think everything, they just do whatever to have fun.

In the story For Esme - With Love and Squalor, they portrayed childhood through a young girl growing up during war-time. This girl is incredibly smart for her age and she knows it. Salinger shows how two different kinds of people can connect in this story. It's kind of an odd connection because it is this young girl and this older guy who decide to stay in touch with each other after talking for only a short time in a coffee shop. What I got out of this was how people can connect and form relationships growing up.

The movie I chose was A Cinderella Story. I chose this movie because it is about a girl who's dad died when she was young and she had to grow up with her stepmom and stepsisters who she didn't like. It was really tough for her growing up because she was treated unfairly and she had always wanted to to Princeton for college but she had to work for her money to get there. A lot of us have people who are willing to help us out but she didn't. She had to overcome a lot of things and work hard to get what she wanted. It kind of relates to Every Little Hurricane in the way of being an unfair way for a kid to grow up.

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