Sunday, March 6, 2011

Relating Back to Catcher in the Rye

So this weekend I watched the movie Pretty Woman. It was on t.v. and my mom came across it, so I sat down and watched it. I don't know how many of you have ever seen it, but there was one point in the movie that made me think back to Holden.

If you haven't seen the movie, it's about this wealthy businessman, Edward Lewis, who hires a prostitute named Vivian Ward on Sunset Blvd to bring along to the numerous business events he needs to attend. I won't say anymore in case you haven't seen it, but there was one part that I related back to Holden.

The night that he brought her back to his hotel room, Edward was pretty uncomfortable with the whole situation. He wasn't really that interested in doing what you hire prostitutes to do. Vivian was putting herself out there for him, but all he did was ask her if she wanted to talk. Sound familiar? When I saw that clip, I thought back to Holden right away and about how he had the prostitute in his room to do whatever they wanted to do, and all he wanted to do was talk. So I found the situation of the two guys very similar.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I remember this scene-- love Julia Roberts! I totally agree I feel like they were both going through difficult times and all they wanted to do was talk to someone. Good reference Shelbs :)))
